HP Interview Questions

1) difference between onclick and onclientclick
2) difference between static reference and dynamic reference
3) difference bet structure and class
4) diff bet response.redirect and server.execute
5) when can we use server.createobject
6) what is datakey
7) iisapi, asp.net worker process
8) process between clinet and webserver when the client hit the url
9) which property is used to bind text and value in dropdownlist
10) datarelation
11) inserted trigger
12) A table is having a column salary with some records like 1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000.How to take 5th maximum salary
13) Table A does not have null values and table B may or may not have null values.use join so that resultset would be all the null records from table B and the matching records with table A.which join u would prefer.
14) Here is the table structure

Empno empname managerempno
1 a null
2 b 1
3 c 1
4 d 2

The result should be like as follows

A null
B a
C a
D b

For the above result how can you write the query?

15) difference between sqlserver 2005 and sqlserver 2000
16) any other way to handle exception other than try catch block in sql
17) diference between stringbuilder and string
18) difference between ado and ado.net
19) difference between select@@identity and scope identity
20) how to relate the tables in dataset
21) constraints in dataset
22) What are RCW and CCW?