The .NET Architecture

.NET Framework Architecture

What is the difference between Overriding and Shadowing?

Both Overriding and Shadowing are ways to alter the behaviour of members of a base class. Shadowing is a VB.Net concept. In C#, this concept is called Hiding, though there is a difference between the two.

When we do shadowing, we provide a new implementation to the base class member without overriding it. We may shadow a base class member in a derived class, by using the keyword shadows. The access level, return type, and the signature (means the datatypes of the arguments passed & the order of the types) of the derived class members which are shadowed, may differ from the base class.

In C#, we may achieve shadowing using the keyword new. However, when Hiding in C#, the access level, the signature, return type of the derived class must be same as the base class.

Overriding is the concept of providing a new implementation of derived class member as compared to its based class. In VB.NET, we do overriding using the overrides keyword, while in C#, overriding is achieved using the override keyword. For a class member to be overridable, we use the keyword virtual while defining it (in C#), and we use the keyword overridable (in VB.NET), though if we leave out specifying the overridable keyword, the member is overridable by default.


The following are the differences between a class and a structure in C# language:

Class Structure
In C# language, a class is defined by using the class keyword. For example, public class StudentReport{….} In C# language, a structure is defined by using the struct keyword. For example, public struct StudentReport{….}
A class is a reference type and its object is created on the heap. A structure is a value type and its object is created on the stack.
A class can be inherited from a class or struct. A structure does not support inheritance and cannot be inherited from any class or struct.
A class is more efficient when used in collections. A structure is more efficient when used in arrays.
A class can have a default constructor without any parameter, which is provided by the common language runtime (or CLR). It also supports destructors. A structure cannot have any parameterless constructor or the default constructor that is provided by the CLR. It also cannot have destructors.
An instance field or a member variable can be initialized in a class. An instance field or a member variable cannot be initialized in a struct.
A class cannot be created without using the new keyword. For example, StudentReport StudRepo = new StudentReport(stud_enroll, stud_name, stud_report); A struct can be created without using the new keyword. For example, StudentReport StudRepo;

HP Interview Questions

1) difference between onclick and onclientclick
2) difference between static reference and dynamic reference
3) difference bet structure and class
4) diff bet response.redirect and server.execute
5) when can we use server.createobject
6) what is datakey
7) iisapi, worker process
8) process between clinet and webserver when the client hit the url
9) which property is used to bind text and value in dropdownlist
10) datarelation
11) inserted trigger
12) A table is having a column salary with some records like 1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000.How to take 5th maximum salary
13) Table A does not have null values and table B may or may not have null values.use join so that resultset would be all the null records from table B and the matching records with table A.which join u would prefer.
14) Here is the table structure

Empno empname managerempno
1 a null
2 b 1
3 c 1
4 d 2

The result should be like as follows

A null
B a
C a
D b

For the above result how can you write the query?

15) difference between sqlserver 2005 and sqlserver 2000
16) any other way to handle exception other than try catch block in sql
17) diference between stringbuilder and string
18) difference between ado and
19) difference between select@@identity and scope identity
20) how to relate the tables in dataset
21) constraints in dataset
22) What are RCW and CCW?

Working with more than one Web.config file


I would like to share what I have understood about working with more than one Web.config file from my latest ASP.NET application. We planned to have different Web.config files for sub-folders in the application root folder. It helps us to have small and easily maintainable configuration files.

Hierarchy of Web.config Files

System wide configuration settings are defined in the Machine.config for the .NET Framework. The Machine.config file is located in the C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\CONFIG folder. The settings defined in this file are applicable to all ASP.NET applications in that system.

We can override these default settings by including a Web.config file in the application's root folder.By including Web.config files in sub-folders, we can override the settings defined in the Web.config file in the application's root folder.The following are sample section declarations from a Machine.config file:

There is an attribute allowDefinition specified in the first two section declarations with the values: MachineOnly and MachineToApplication.
What it does mean?

If allowDefinition="MachineOnly", then we can not override this section either in application level or in folder level. The only section declared in the Machine.config file with this settings is processModel.

If allowDefinition="MachineToApplication", then we can override these sections by the root directory Web.config. Sections with this setting in Machine.config are authentication, machineKey, sessionState, trust, and securityPolicy.

If allowDefinition attribute is omitted in a section declaration of the Machine.config file, we can override that section at any level.

We can override the section appSettings at any level and can access it by using ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings easily.

What is there in the sample project?

The sample source code is a simple ASP.NET web application with three Web Forms and three Web.config files. The root folder has a sub folder SubFolder_L1 that has SubFolder_L2, each has one Web Form and one Web.config file.

Web.config files have different and overridden keys. Web.config file in the root folder has the following appSettings declarations:

Web.config file in Subfolder_L1 has the following appSettings declarations:

The color setting is overridden by the subfolder configuration file. We can read the root element from Subfolder_L1 or Subfolder_L2 by the following code:

lblConfig.Text = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["root"];

But we can not read configuration settings defined in Subfolder_L1's Web.config file from the root folder.


What is Trigger? (infosys questions)

A trigger is a Database object
just like a stored procedure or we can say it is a special kind of Stored procedure which fires after (/before) a specified language event executes. More specifically, it is for the object which is attached to a Table or View or Database schemas for tracking the operations on them. The main difference between a trigger and a stored procedure is that the former is attached to a table or view and is fired only when an INSERT, UPDATE, and/or DELETE occurs, while a stored procedure executes at any time when it is called.

Types of Triggers

There are some added types in SQL Server 2005 for triggering actions:

1. DML Triggers

· AFTER Triggers

· INSTEAD OF Triggers

2. DDL Triggers

3. CLR Triggers

DML Triggers

These triggers are fired when a Data Manipulation Language (DML) event takes place. These are attached to a Table or View and are fired only when an INSERT, UPDATE and/or DELETE event occurs. The trigger and the statement that fires it are treated as a single transaction. Using this we can cascade changes in related tables, can do check operations for satisfying some rules and can get noticed through firing Mails. We can even execute multiple triggering actions by creating multiple Triggers of same action type on a table. We have to specify the modification action(s) at the Table level that fires the trigger when it is created.

AFTER Triggers

As the name specifies, AFTER triggers are executed after the action of the INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement is performed. This is the only option available in earlier versions on Microsoft SQL Server. AFTER triggers can be specified on tables only. Here is a sample trigger creation statement on the Users table.

Listing 1 (AFTER Trigger example)

------ Creating a DML trigger in T-SQL -------
CREATE TABLE UserTable (User_ID int IDENTITY, User_Name varchar(30), Type varchar(10))
ON UserTable
INSERT UserTable (User_Name, Type) VALUES ('James', 'ADMIN')

------ Result ---------------
Apr 30 2007 7:04AM


INSTEAD OF triggers are executed in place of the usual triggering action. INSTEAD OF triggers can also be defined on views with one or more base tables, where they can extend the types of updates a view can support.

DDL Triggers

DDL triggers are new to SQL Server 2005. This type of triggers, like regular triggers, fire stored procedures in response to an event. They fire in response to a variety of Data Definition Language (DDL) events. These events are specified by the T-SQL statements that are start with the keywords CREATE, ALTER, and DROP. Certain stored procedures that perform DDL-like operations can also fire this. These are used for administrative tasks like auditing and regulating database operations.

CLR Triggers

A CLR triggers can be any of the above, e.g. can be a DDL or DML one or can also be an AFTER or INSTEAD OF trigger. Here we need to execute one or more methods written in managed codes that are members of an assembly created in the .Net framework. Again, that assembly must be deployed in SQL Server 2005 using CREATE assembly statement.

The Microsoft.SqlServer.Server Namespace contains the required classes and enumerations for this objective.

Steps for Creating CLR Trigger

The following are required steps for creating a CLR-Trigger of DML (After trigger) type for Insert action. This database Object is executed as the result of a user action against a table i.e. for an INSERT statement.

· Creating a .NET class of triggering action

· Making assembly(.DLL) from that Class

· Enabling CLR environment in that database.

· Registering the assembly in SQL Server

· Creating CLR Trigger using that assembly

1. Creating a .NET class

Here we can use any managed language that is supported by .Net Framework such as C++, C#, VB, J#, JScript or XAML, etc. As I am with VB, this managed code is in Visual Basic. Let us discuss the objective of this entity. According to the above example of "tr_User_INSERT" trigger, we have the UserTable for holding the user details. There is a field "Type" which explains the user role (ADMIN, End User, Register User etc.). Our objective is to check the role of the inserted User for ADMIN type and then do the action as we set.

Open the notepad, copy the following codes and save it as MyFirstAssembly.vb.

Listing 2 (.NET Class of Trigger type)

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Server
Partial Public Class MyFirstClrTrigger
= "checkUserRole", Target
= "UserTable", Event
= "FOR INSERT")> _
Public Shared Sub checkUserRole()

Dim triggContext As SqlTriggerContext = SqlContext.TriggerContext()
Dim userType As String = String.Empty

If triggContext.TriggerAction = TriggerAction.Insert Then
Using connection As New SqlConnection("context connection=true")
Dim sqlComm As New SqlCommand
Dim sqlPipe As SqlPipe = SqlContext.Pipe()

sqlComm.Connection = connection
sqlComm.CommandText = "SELECT Type from INSERTED"

userType = sqlComm.ExecuteScalar.ToString()

If userType.ToUpper = "ADMIN" Then

sqlPipe.Send("Hello !!! You have the Admin role.")
sqlPipe.Send("We can use e-mail codes here to inform.")

End If
End Using
End If
End Sub

End Class

Let us go into the codes. There are two major Namespaces used, System.Data.SqlClient and Microsoft.SqlServer.Server. Microsoft.SqlServer.Server provides the SqlTriggerAttribute Class, which is used to mark a method definition in an assembly as a trigger in SQL Server. The Sqltrigger attribute requires some parameters to set the created trigger properties, such as Name - the name of the Trigger, Target - the table or view to which the trigger applies (in case of DML type) and Event - the event to fire the trigger for (e.g. FOR INSERT, DELETE and/or UPDATE or INSTEAD OF etc.). Again, that method must be a Static (Shared in VB) one; here checkUserRole() is the target method.

The SqlTriggerContext class provides the required triggering properties of the Trigger for doing action. TriggerAction property of this Class is the global enumeration TriggerAction type of Microsoft.SqlServer.Server namespace which indicates what action fired the Trigger.

Here we use the INSERTED table, which is automatically created and managed by SQL Server 2005. This is used to set the conditions of DML trigger action. There is also another called DELETED, used in case of delete action. The CLR triggers can access the Inserted or Deleted tables through SqlCommand object using context connection.

2. Making assembly (.DLL)

Now we have created the MyFirstAssembly.vb file with MyFirstClrTrigger class, so we need to compile the class to create an assembly. Here I use the VB compiler "vbc.exe," found in .Net Framework library. Use the following DOS command for creating assembly.

Listing 3 (compile the .VB file)

/t:library /out:F:\CLR_Trigger_Test\CLR_Assembly\MyFirstAssembly

This command creates a DLL called MyFirstAssembly.dll at out path F:\CLR_Trigger_Test\CLR_Assembly\.

3. Enabling CLR environment

By default, the CLR functionality is trued off in SQL Server; so we need to enable it. Use the following T-SQL codes to enable the CLR functionality.

Listing 4 (enable CLR action)

------ Enabling CLR action in database -------
sp_configure 'clr enabled', 1
RECONFIGURE with Override

4. Registering the assembly

Our next step is to create an assembly in the Database, based on the compiled DLL (MyFirstAssembly.dll). The following T-SQL codes are useful regarding this objective.

Listing 5 (registering assembly)

------ Registering an Assembly -------
Create Assembly UserAssembly
From 'F:\CLR_Trigger_Test\CLR_Assembly\MyFirstAssembly.dll'
With Permission_Set=Safe

For more information about this check my previous article.

5. Creating CLR Trigger

Now we will create an extended Trigger using CREATE Trigger statement of T-SQL. There is a new clause named EXTERNAL NAME in SQL Server 2005, which allows us to reference a method of the Registered assembly. By doing so we set the triggering action of our Trigger using that managed code method of the assembly.

Listing 6 (creating a Trigger)

------ Creating a DML trigger in CLR -------
Create Trigger tr_User_CheckRole
on UserTable
External Name UserAssembly.MyFirstClrTrigger.checkUserRole

Here we use the checkUserRole() shared method of our MyFirstClrTrigger class of the registered assembly UserAssembly.

Checking the triggering action

Finally, we need to check our Trigger. Let us test the trigger using the same INSERT Statement that we used before.

Listing 7 (Insert into UserTable)

----- Checking the DB objects.----------------
INSERT UserTable (User_Name, Type) VALUES ('James', 'ADMIN')
----- Output Message -----
May 2 2007 8:54AM
Hello !!! You have the Admin role.
We can use e-mail codes here to inform.

The output is the result of two triggering actions; one is of T-SQL type and another one is of CLR type. Both are attached to the UserTable for the same type of action (i.e. after Insert statement). The following image is the output result window of SQL Server Management studio.

Figure 1: (Output result window)

Difference between Response.Expires & Response.ExpiresAbsolute

Response.ExpiresAbsolute (infosys question)

The ExpiresAbsolute property specifies the date and time at which a page cached on a browser expires. If the user returns to the same page before that date and time, the cached version is displayed. If a time is not specified, the page expires at midnight of that day. If a date is not specified, the page expires at the given time on the day that the script runs.


The Expires property specifies the duration of time before a page that is cached on a browser expires. If the user returns to the same page before it expires, the cached version is displayed.

Infosys interview questions

1) can we have multliple web.config files in
2) response.expires and response.absoluteexpires
3) what is jquery
4) what is css
5) xml is a structured language and which language is associated with it
6) explain usercontrol, can we access one usercontrol in another usercontrol in same page
7) how the application(aumif) is turning into https after getting ssl certificate
8) select 2nd greatest salary from employee table
9) Trigger and it types

C# .Net Reflection

Reflection is the feature in .Net, which enables us to get some information about object in runtime. That information contains data of the class. Also it can get the names of the methods that are inside the class and constructors of that object.
To write a C# .Net program which uses reflection, the program should use the namespace System.Reflection. To get type of the object, the typeof operator can be used. There is one more method GetType(). This also can be used for retrieving the type information of a class. The Operator typeof allow us to get class name of our object and GetType() method uses to get data about object?s type. This C# tutorial on reflection explains this feature with a sample class.

public class TestDataType
public TestDataType()
counter = 1;

public TestDataType(int c)
counter = c;

private int counter;

public int Inc()
return counter++;
public int Dec()
return counter--;

At first we should get type of object that was created. The following C# .Net code snippet shows how to do it.

TestDataType testObject = new TestDataType(15);
Type objectType = testObject.GetType();

Now objectType has all the required information about class TestDataType. We can check if our class is abstract or if it is a class. The System.Type contains a few properties to retrieve the type of the class: IsAbstract, IsClass. These functions return a Boolean value if the object is abstract or of class type. Also there are some methods that return information about constructors and methods that belong to the current type (class). It can be done in a way as it was done in next example:

Type objectType = testObject.GetType();

ConstructorInfo [] info = objectType.GetConstructors();
MethodInfo [] methods = objectType.GetMethods();

// get all the constructors
foreach( ConstructorInfo cf in info )

// get all the methods
foreach( MethodInfo mf in methods )

Now, the above program returns a list of methods and constructors of TestDataType class.

Reflection is a very powerful feature that any programming language would like to provide, because it allows us to get some information about objects in runtime. It can be used in the applications normally but this is provided for doing some advanced programming. This might be for runtime code generation (It goes through creating, compilation and execution of source code in runtime).

Definition of .NET Framework

A programming infrastructure created by Microsoft for building, deploying, and running applications and services that use .NET technologies, such as desktop applications and Web services.

The .NET Framework contains three major parts:


Short for Common Language Runtime, a runtime environment that manages the execution of .NET program code and provides services such as memory and exception management, debugging and profiling, and security. The CLR is a major component of the .NET framework.

CLR also is known as the Virtual Execution System (VES).


Short for framework class library, the collective name for the thousands of classes that compose the .NET Framework. The services provided by the FCL include runtime core functionality (basic types and collections, file and network I/O, accessing system services, etc.), interaction with databases, consuming and producing XML, and support for building Web-based and desktop-based client applications, and SOAP-based XML Web services.


A Microsoft server-side Web technology. ASP.NET takes an object-oriented programming approach to Web page execution. Every element in an ASP.NET page is treated as an object and run on the server. An ASP.NET page gets compiled into an intermediate language by a .NET Common Language Runtime-compliant compiler. Then a JIT compiler turns the intermediate code to native machine code, and that machine code is eventually run on the processor. Because the code is run straight from the processor, pages load much faster than classic ASP pages, where embedded VBScript or JScript had to be continuously interpreted and cached.

ASP.NET is used to create Web pages and Web services and is an integral part of Microsoft's .NET vision.